Northern Forum Foundation Objectives!

The purpose and objectives of the NFF is to raise funding, fund and support activities and projects that benefit sustainable development and contribute to better living for the people and peoples of the North and their societies.

Our emphasis is on supporting projects and activities, at a local and regional level, that contribute to our objectives, including in: education; culture; innovation; responsible business development; empowering the youth; health; sports; science and for the environment.

Northern Forum Foundation schema

Hands teamwork

NFF is looking for support and partnerships!

NFF is working to achieve its purpose and objectives by raising funds based on its merits from the Global international community, private and public, including: individuals; organisations; associations; companies and governments; through funding applications, fundraising campaigns, sponsoring agreements and partnerships, executed in coherence with the objectives and strategy of the NFF.

About the NFF

The Northern Forum Foundation - NFF operates according to Icelandic Act no. 119/2019 on non-profit organisations, registered in Iceland, operating across borders under an international board of directors.

The secretariat is located at Radhustorg 7, 600 Akureyri, Iceland. Registration number 480222-2370.

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Please contact us on how we can work together to benefit sustainable development and better living for the people and peoples of the North and their societies in a Global context! info(at) or tel: +354 4612800 / +354 8992828